[OT] New toy...

From: One Without Reason <vance_at_ikickass.org>
Date: Mon Oct 29 01:56:04 2001

> > IMHO - in my humble opinion
> > IMO - in my opinion
> > IIRC - if I recall correctly ?
> > OTOH - on the other hand
> > FYI - for your information
> > IOW - In Other Words
> > FWIW - for what it's worth
> > AFAIK - as far as I know
> > WRT - with respect/regards to
> > ISTR - I seem to recall
> > TMK -
> > ISTR - I seem to recall
> > SAS -
> > FAE -
> > FA -
> > DIY - Do it yourself
> > YMMV - Your mileage may vary
> > HMMV - His mileage may vary
> > ECO - Engineering Change Order ?
> > AAMAF -
> > PITA - pain in the ass
> > IPA -
> > TIA - Thanks In Advance
> > NG - no good (or NFG)
> > NAOA - Not An Official Acronym
> > TTBOMK - to the best of my knowledge
> My favorite? TANSTAAFL - there ain't no such thing as a free lunch

There's always ROFLMAOWMCOMN. Rolling On the Floor Laughing My Ass Off
With Milk Coming Out My Nose.

Peace... Sridhar
Received on Mon Oct 29 2001 - 01:56:04 GMT

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