A couple old books, 6502 and Mostek

From: M H Stein <mhstein_at_usa.net>
Date: Mon Oct 29 14:12:24 2001

Gee, I've been doing this all wrong; I offered several boxes of data & related books for free, but had no replies at all - just found a box that I overlooked when I tossed 'em out, so let me try adding a handling charge & offer them for $4.95 ea. & shipping :)

Zilog Microcomputer Components Data Book Feb 1980
Intel Microcomputer Systems Data Book 1976 (SBC's &c)
Intel Component Data Catalog 1980
Intel 8048 Family Applications Handbook Jan 1980 (Apps & Assembler listings)
Intel 8080 Microcomputer Systems User's Manual Sep 1975 (Apps & data sheets)
Rockwell Electronics Devices data catalog 1981 (AIM65, RM65, System65, R68000, PPS-4/1, modems &c
AIM65 4 Manual sets: User, Programming, Chipset & Monitor Listing
The Elementary Apple 1983, Wm. B. Sanders (Datamost) (Beginners's User/Programming)

And some Mostek & Synertek sheets as well; they were mostly into F8's and Z80's; you're probably thinking of MOS Technology for the 6502, and I just happen to have the

MOS Microcomputers Programming Manual

so after you get your $5.00, just send me 4.95 <g>

-------------------Original Message------------------
Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2001 23:18:47 -0800
From: Mike Ford <mikeford_at_socal.rr.com>
Subject: A couple old books, 6502 and Mostek

I found a couple books while digging in boxes at TRW.

Beyond Games: Systems Software for your 6502 Personal Computer. Ken Skier
This is a very early book, copyright 1981, covering a series of articles
from BYTE magazine. Lots of low level nuts and bolts software, a monitor,
assembler, text, printing etc., but with a very basic approach, and over
half the book are reference listings etc. Has a few specifics for each of
Pet, Apple, Atari, and other 6502 computers.

Mostek, MOS Integrated Circuit Guide. Magazine sized, 138 page, blue and
silver book, copyright is 1975, but the only microprocess it mentions is
the F8, and I was expecting 6502. Covers several early memory chips and
some consumer calculator chips, very nice condition.

I am thinking about $5 for either book, but best offer and postage gets it.
Received on Mon Oct 29 2001 - 14:12:24 GMT

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