On Wed, 31 Oct 2001, Richard Erlacher wrote:
> It's not pilot error that causes the Apple disk subsystem to fall
> apart whenever there's the slightest error, it's the "we've got your
> money now, so we've got you by the short and curly" attitude that
> Apple has always had with respet to their customers' data. That
> design of WOZ's was clever and cheap, ... REALLY cheap ... , but not
> terribly reliable. Back in the early '80's I didn't know a single
> user of the genuine Apple disk subsystem that didn't have a data loss
> per hour in steady use. The guy I mentioned initially had phone-order
You must have had some very unlucky friends. If everyone had this same
experience then there probably would not have been millions of Apple disk
systems sold.
> business, and, because his environment was not perfectly clean, he was
> constantly having to reboot his Apple, since it couldn't recover from
> a disk read error, and this was before he had a toll-free number.
Sounds like shitty software to me.
> I remember how people whined about the PC's <abort, retry, fail> error
> message for disk errors, yet Apple didn't even have one. It just went
No it didn't.
> Even back in those days we'd all come to expect better than that, and,
> by the way, the whole problem was exxentially gone if one used 8"
> FDD's with the SVA controller.
How did that fix bad software with poorly designed error recovery?
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
Received on Wed Oct 31 2001 - 10:34:11 GMT