CPU design at the gate level

From: Ben Franchuk <bfranchuk_at_jetnet.ab.ca>
Date: Wed Oct 31 10:15:19 2001

Richard Erlacher wrote:
> Well, there's a wide gap between core memory, and the designs of the era (pre
> '72) when it was common, and the '80's when fully synchronous design became the
> order of the day.
> Another thing to keep in mind is that most CPU's of yesteryear are not
> integrated circuits, but, rather, board(s) full of the them. I remember looking
> at a 16-bit CPU from some Florida company that was being customed up by my then
> local circuit house and it occupied a 22x32" panel (very large for the time) of
> 5-layer circuit board, all in STTL. The outer layers were intended not so much
> for containing the RFI as for dissipating the heat, to wit, the entire long
> outer edges of the board was mounted to a 3-1/2" square heatsink that drew heat
> from the board and had fans attached specially provided to manage this board's
> dissipation requirement. It was quite a thing to behold!

And POWER was cheap.


> Not all CPU chips of yesteryear were even built with clocked logic. If you look
> at the ones with a single clock cycle for a single bus cycle, e.g. 6800, et. al,
> you'll find that the clock was a useable as a steering member and a timing
> reference, but not necessarily a clock to a set of registers. I'd say FlipFlops
> of the R/S and transparent latch sort were much more common than those used for
> counting. In fact, I recently revisited the 650x core recently and found that
> it could and probably should be built with no clocked flipflops at all, using
> the ALU to increment the PC and stack pointer as well as operating on the data
> registers. That's what reduced the poundage of silicon in the 650x series
> chips, which, aside from their very elegant instruction set, is what bought them
> their market share.

Playing around with a TTL style cpu design in a FPGA I found I needed
lots of clock
enables but had I used real TTL I would of just generated the 4 or 5
clocks needed.
Like you said using latches saves about 1/2 the gates needed of a
Flip/Flop and
that saves a good bit. The 6800/6502 memory interface is nice. That is
the style I am
using on my FPGA.

> >
> What's different is that the style of design that was used back when the
> classics were being worked out was so different from what's done today. Back
> then, fully synchronous design meant that all the devices used were of the same
> technology and that meant cost impacts whenever fully sunchronous rather than
> locally asynchronous, globally syncrhonized structure was used, since that meant
> that a nand gate had to have two dual-rank registered inputs and a registered
> ouput. Which immediately raised the cost of that 30-cent gate to $4.80. Back
> then arrays were a sea of gates, and things changed depending on which gate of
> the 4000-6000 identical nands in the array you were using.

Never used the stuff. Since they don't make TTL any more I kind was
forced into using
FPGA's. :). Also a FPGA prototype board is cheaper than 150 new TTL.
Mind you now
that I got the FPGA working TTL looks better since I don't have to burn
Of course the problem that 74LS382's and 16x4 non-inverting ram don't
exist today
does make life difficult.

> Today, a small array
> consists of a putative 100K gates, of which one's lucky to be able to get the
> equivalent of 10K gates in actual practice. Of course they count a 3-input gate
> as two gates and a 4-input gate as three, and a D-flop as over a dozen, rather
> than the 6 it should really use. Then there's that LUT, which , to the
> marketing department represents a lot of logic, even though you have to use the
> whole thing just to make a single 5-input AND. Consider how much of the
> marketing departments resources you consume with what would have been a 74S133.

100K gates Ha! LUT's tend to be really wasteful of multiplexes. A 4-1
multiplexer is
3 logic cells. Mind with the stupid marketing works you can't get the
and easy to work with FPGA's cheap but you are expected to buy the large
painful chips for $$$. All of my FPGA work is a hobby so I have to stick
to 84
PLCC packages that nobody wants to sell. I like anti-fuse FPGA's idea of
you power up
and go. Reminds me of TTL :).

> Well, if you put pencil to paper before the instruction set is defined, and
> before the requirements are firmly defined, you're wasting time, and, sadly, I
> doubt that many CPU designs start on a clean sheet of paper these days. They
> certainly didn't back in the "old days." There's always the political baggage.

That is true there is baggage.My two gripes today are

1) No bootstrapping a minimal system in hardware & software - you need
everything to run.
2) Non serviceable equipment and docs.

 Ben Franchuk.
Standard Disclaimer : 97% speculation 2% bad grammar 1% facts.
"Pre-historic Cpu's" http://www.jetnet.ab.ca/users/bfranchuk
Now with schematics.
Received on Wed Oct 31 2001 - 10:15:19 GMT

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