recent acquisitions for the House of VAX

From: Jerome Fine <>
Date: Sat Sep 8 07:27:51 2001

>Chuck McManis wrote:

> I got a great bunch of artifacts recently from an ex-Digit (DEC Employee)
> who was finally not going to use his VAX for anything else any more.
> Some more docs
> Available for trade:
> TU58 Technical Manual
> TU58 User's Guide

Jerome Fine replies:

I could probably use the TU58 manuals, however, I would rather see them
sent to someone who will scan them and make them available to everyone.
Since I have only RT-11/PDP-11 hardware stuff, what might help? What
about a set of out of print RT-11 DOCs? As far as I know, these are
allowed to be reproduced since they are no longer available? Can these be
scanned as well?

Also, I hope to soon receive an 11/73 manual? Could this also be scanned?

I realize that it is great to have our own copies of these manuals, but I am
now hoping that they can all be scanned and thereby preserved before that
is no longer possible.

Sincerely yours,

Jerome Fine
Received on Sat Sep 08 2001 - 07:27:51 BST

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