cure equiepement that was in the rain... best practices???

From: Doc <>
Date: Mon Apr 15 19:32:28 2002

On Mon, 15 Apr 2002, Dave McGuire wrote:

> TLC it performs flawlessly). The water doesn't seem to do any harm at
> all, even with long-term's the crap that the water can
> carry into the equipment, and sometimes corrosion later on.

  So what can you do with accumulated mineal salts around component
legs? Looks like tin "rust". I tried firm-but-gentle with a stiff
toothbrush, and didn't get anywhere.
  I have that MV3100-90 board that I think just needs the corrosion,
which I suspect is conductive, removed.

> -Dave
Received on Mon Apr 15 2002 - 19:32:28 BST

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