cure equiepement that was in the rain... best practices???

From: Sridhar the POWERful <>
Date: Mon Apr 15 22:04:05 2002

On Mon, 15 Apr 2002, Doc wrote:

> > TLC it performs flawlessly). The water doesn't seem to do any harm at
> > all, even with long-term's the crap that the water can
> > carry into the equipment, and sometimes corrosion later on.
> So what can you do with accumulated mineal salts around component
> legs? Looks like tin "rust". I tried firm-but-gentle with a stiff
> toothbrush, and didn't get anywhere.
> I have that MV3100-90 board that I think just needs the corrosion,
> which I suspect is conductive, removed.

The salts that are the endproduct of corrosion usually aren't conductors,
but that wouldn't prevent them from interfering with the operation of the

Peace... Sridhar
Received on Mon Apr 15 2002 - 22:04:05 BST

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