Should Be: RIP for US industry! Re: .I.P. for D.I.Y.

From: Joe <>
Date: Sat Apr 27 13:45:32 2002

At 04:07 AM 4/27/02 -0500, Raymond wrote:
>On Thursday 25 April 2002 06:15, you wrote:
> Perhaps before China shoots the Nukes that Clinton
> gave em on the rockets clinton gave them we can
> ask for a "time out",, and ask em to make parts for our
> jets.

   Where have you been? They're already building many parts for Boeing. (Hmmm. I wonder if that might have something to do with Boeing laying off ~14,000 in the NW US recently?)

Received on Sat Apr 27 2002 - 13:45:32 BST

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