BS al a Erlacher

From: Pat Finnegan <>
Date: Sun Apr 28 23:56:10 2002

Since I haven't seen anyone ask this yet, I'll bite:

Dick, do you actually have any interest in old machines or are you just
trolling the list? All of the messages I've read from you lately strongly
imply that you have no real interest toying with or using the systems we
normally talk about on this list.

I'm not trying to start a war, I'm just trying to ask an honest
question (and perhaps giving you a chance to redeem yourself from the
last round of flames).

-- Pat

On Sun, 28 Apr 2002, Richard Erlacher wrote:

> Looks as though someone's p*ssed because he doesn't read and can't write and
> spell.
> Dick
Received on Sun Apr 28 2002 - 23:56:10 BST

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