TK 50 with VMS???

From: Patrick Finnegan <>
Date: Tue Aug 27 15:58:00 2002

On Tue, 27 Aug 2002, Zane H. Healy wrote:

> > Just picked up a 4000-200 for next to nothing, but I need to install VMS
> > on TK50, anyone have a VMS Install, maybe ver 4 or 5 or higher???? (I'm
> > not familiar with a TF85, will it read TK50's and TK70's..... shaking the
> > dust off of my near forgotten Vax skills {or here-in lack of})
> >
> > Curt
> I'm not sure you'll be able to even run V5.5-4Hx (I think that's the high mark
> for V5.5 and I'm not sure what the 'x' was), and I'm pretty sure you can't
> run plain V5.5. You might need to go with V6.0 in order to have VMS support
> your hardware. If you can get someone to build you tapes, I'd recommend
> getting V7.2 or V7.3 instead of earlier versions if you can, as all the doc's
> are available online.

You might also want to sign up for the free
membership at . After signing up, you'll be
able to order a Hobbiest version of OpenVMS from on CDs... of course, if you
can't find a bootable CDROM drive like a RRD5x, or don't have SCSI, that
might not help you too much I guess.

-- Pat
Received on Tue Aug 27 2002 - 15:58:00 BST

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