Mac Plus and Signatures

From: David Vohs <>
Date: Sat Dec 28 19:55:01 2002

The Apple Macintosh Portable also has signatures & is (I believe), the
last Macintosh to have this nice little "feature".

> All Mac Pluses have those signatures.
> In fact all Mac's starting from the first (128, but before it was called
> that), thru the SE have signatures. And, I believe all the IIs, and some
> of the IIx's, and maybe others. I'm not as positive at what point in the
> II line it stopped, and I know it stopped somewhere midline with a model,
> so there is at least one model that has sigs, but not in all of them.
> So people that sell their 128, 512, Plus, or SE with "signatures" are
> either ignorant, or trying to jack up the price hoping to catch other
> ignorant people.
> -chris
> <>
  David Vohs
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Received on Sat Dec 28 2002 - 19:55:01 GMT

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