WWII fire control 'computers'

From: Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk_at_yahoo.co.uk>
Date: Sun Dec 29 13:24:55 2002


A bit (er, lot!) of a long shot this, but it's probably vaguely on-topic...

Does anyone know anything about the mechanical fire control computers as used
in second world war for UK coastal defence batteries? I did some restoration
work out in New Zealand earlier in the year on a wartime coastal battery which
was built to a British design, and used British systems. Unfortunately all
information on 'out' plotting-room computer mysteriously vanished in the
1950's, and the unit itself sadly was cut up for scrap value many years ago.
It'd be nice to get some information on possible units though just for
something to show on site open days.

It's possible that the unit shared a lot of commonality with ship-based
systems, in some cut-down form or other, but I haven't yet located anyone who
can confirm this.

I seem to recall a few posts about US equivalent systems a few years back, so
there's probably a few current list members who are interested in this sort of
system despite the units being non-electronic in nature!



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Received on Sun Dec 29 2002 - 13:24:55 GMT

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