PC Gamer, best 50 classic games issue?

From: Hans Franke <Hans.Franke_at_mch20.sbs.de>
Date: Wed Jan 9 06:32:49 2002

> > >> They do this annually, although a lot of the classic games are starting to
> > >> drop off the list. I'll have to dig through my stack of magazines.

> > >Shouldn't be a big deal to a CC-Member ... just setup a system as
> > >described on the package and inset the disks :))

> > Minimum requirements are the easy part. The hard part is how new of a
> > system breaks the game, with a minefield extending from W3.1 on a P90 to
> > W98 on a PII 233 MMX. Support for games often drops suddenly, so that
> > fairly dopey advances can be problems. Also locating updates from dead
> > companies can be a task too.

> > When a game comes out there may be literally hundreds of decent web pages
> > with tips and information. A year or so later half a dead links, and many
> > pages that do exist are stale (not updated) or hollow (file links are 404s).

> > Kind of strange, with the really old games the problem is finding a working
> > copy, and with the middle aged games its getting the copy to work.

> There are utilities that slow down your computer. I believe there is even
> one for Windows.

I always thought windows was the designated slow down tool.


At least in the PC area (and except the new Macs, this problem comes
up only for games newer than designed for an AT) I usualy go for a
machine around 150% the speed of the minimum requirements.

So all classic home computer games, including games for an
IBM PC(1), XT(2), AT, Atari or Amiga, I go for what the box
says. For PC games requiring more newer than AT, up to Pentium 90
I use a regular 486/133, for all other I try my actual machine,
and only if it doesn't work I go for something slower.

It seams like most games of the 386/486 age will usualy run
on actual machines, or at least up to 100 MHz Pentiums, while
games of the Pentium age are quite CPU speed independant, in
terms of capability to run on fast machines, not for performance
on slow ones.

Also, especialy from the older games, usualy only 'action' games
are speed dependant - since my favoured genre are adventure/RPG
games, I don't encounter to much problems :)

(1) The PC/XT in question is a standard XT upgraded with a
    V20 and a Screamer board
(2) In case of complex XT games, I usualy try also an AT

VCF Europa 3.0 am 27./28. April 2002 in Muenchen
Received on Wed Jan 09 2002 - 06:32:49 GMT

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