--- Richard Erlacher <edick_at_idcomm.com> wrote:
> An Apple IIe is not uncommonly priced at $5 around here (I just bought
> one that had a couple of drives bundled with it for $8, though all I
> wanted was the PSU) .
That sounds right... I'm about to go get a free one (rescue) this week,
in town, thankfully.
> A IIc is not uncommon at that price either.
I've seen IIcs for a little more... the thrift stores here tend to
unbundle the PSU and the computer - and mark them for the same
price, sometimes. ISTR seeing a IIc for $5 and its PSU for $8
last year.
At the "top" of the spectrum, I got a IIc+ (4MHz CPU, modern serial
connectors (not like a IIc) and 3.5" internal drive) with monitor,
two imagewriters, an external 5.25" drive and manuals for $15 at
a Hamfest a couple of seasons ago. I didn't think that was out of
line. It also didn't sell until I got to that building at 13:00, so
nobody there thought it was the deal of the century, either.
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Received on Thu Jan 24 2002 - 15:59:35 GMT