I've got a Sony NEWS workstation (keyboard, system unit, and
external SCSI tape drive) free for pickup in Austin, TX.
Its a NWS-841. I no longer have the monitor for the unit (has a 3W3
connector on the back; monitor was a GDM-1962B-style), but I do have
the keyboard (in original box, no mouse) and external tape drive
(uses a Centronics-style SCSI-I cable). Has a floppy drive (with yellow
plastic drive protector) and even still has the red "caps" covering some of
the I/O ports in back. It looks very unused, but its been years since I tried
to power it up; I dont even remember anymore where I got it from.
Best specs I've been able to find on it:
" There was a short blurb about the new Sony workstations in
INFOWORLD (Feb 1, 1988 page 3, "AT DEADLINE").
...Internally called the "Sun Killer," the NWS-841 will sport
two 16-MHz 68020 microprocessors, a 68881 math coprocessor, 8M of RAM,
a 286- MB floppy drive, six I/O ports, including an EtherNET
interface, one rep. said. The machine will sell for about $19,900.
Supported software will include BSD4.2, NFS, and X. "
Anyway, if anybody is interested, let me know. I'd like to get this
out of the way, but dont want to scrap it. It just must go to a good
Bill Bradford
Austin, TX
Received on Sun Jul 07 2002 - 01:17:17 BST