On Tue, 30 Jul 2002, Philip Pemberton wrote:
> > 1. Does anyone have any cool Synertek lore they'd like to
> > share with the group? All I know about them is they made
> > the SYM-1 and were a 6530 second-source. I guess it's safe
> > to conclude they were also a 6502 second-source. :)
> I think I've got some e-mails from a guy who used to work for them. From
> memory, Synertek were a Honeywell subsidiary who signed a license with MOS
> Technology to second-source the 6502. MOS used the part numbers "MCS6502"
> and "MPS6502", Synertek used "SY6502".
Synertek 6502's are very common in Apple //e's. I was just working on one
yesterday that had a SY6502.
> > 2. Is this a "Find" in any sense? (I paid all of 30 cents
> > each for them.) My motivation is to have enough replacement
> > parts to keep all my 6502-based hardware humming for years
> > to come. Though in this case I have several lifetimes' worth.
> > :)
> I would call it a find. How many have you got? Would you be interested in
> selling me a few?
I would also call it a "find" but it's nothing special. A tube of common
6502's does not make me moist.
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
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Received on Tue Jul 30 2002 - 10:54:01 BST