Shipping Big Iron & Rail Right-Of-Way Abandonment
> Where has rail been ripped up? I've never heard of that
> happening. Is it a national trend?
Of course, I'm aware of it primarily through local examples,
but the local newspapers have run articles about how this is
happening throughout the nation.... the midwest probably has
more miles ot track to rip up, though...
Recently, efforts have been underway to try to reclaim some
abandoned right-of-way and use it to create light rail (i.e.
trolley) lines...
Once upon a time, there was a B&O spur that ran in front of the
home I lived in as a child (not far from here)... Dad and I would
walk one direction as far as the floodwall, and the other direction
usually only as far as a small drug store that sold hot mixed nuts.
Remember hot mixed nuts, hot peanuts, etc?
Just a short walk further (which we never did) you'd find the
coal company who used to deliver the coal by which we used to
heat that house (did a natural gas conversion in '64 just before
we moved out).
But all that line is not greeway, replete with joggers...
Received on Tue Mar 05 2002 - 09:04:59 GMT
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