On Fri, 8 Mar 2002 19:59:36 -0600 (CST), you wrote:
>> Does regular paper tape normally come with the sprocket holes pre-punched,
>> or does the device that punches the data holes also punch the sprocket
>> holes?
>The paper tape punch also punches the sprocket holes.
>> I recently bought some "paper tape" from eBay, and it looks like
>> the right stuff except it's totally without holes. I don't think I've
>> ever seen "virgin" tape before, but I had the idea that the sprocket holes
>> down the middle came with the tape. I'm kicking around trying to build my
>> own tape punch, since I have been unsuccessful at scrounging or buying one
>> so far.
>You have been unsuccessful for a very simple reason. Western Numerical
>Controls sells new and refurbished tape readers and punches at absurdly
>high prices. And because of this, they buy all the good punches that
>appear on ebay. In fact, the guy who buys them, is the exact same guy
>who sold you that paper tape.
>Its very difficult to compete with a bidder who plans to turn around and
>resell (or attempt to resell) the paper tape punches for $2000.00 or
>so that he buys for $200 - $600 on ebay.
Ouch. That would certainly explain it. I kept getting outbid by the
same person, but I didn't put 2 and 2 together. I guess it's the free
market economy at work, but it makes it tough if you can't justify
paying a high price from something since it's just to play with.
>> I picked up some stainless steel flat and some rod of the
>> appropriate diameter for the holes today, along with some solenoids for
>> actuating said rods. I'm thinking of machining the stainless to make my
>> own punch, but the lack of sprocket holes on the new tape has me confused.
>> Do I need to add another solenoid and pin to punch a smaller hole for the
>> sprocket, or did I just buy some odd-ball tape?
>Are you making some sort of manual paper tape punch?
Well, actually I was considering running it with a BASIC Stamp 2; then
it could take either RS-232 serial input from a PC, or parallel TTL
input from my Mark-8. I really have no idea how much force it will
take to punch clean holes in the tape. I plan to machine the metal
parts for my design and harden them, and then see how hard a solenoid
has to whack the pins to get a clean cut. I picked up a box full of
solenoids tonight at the Surplus Center, and I'm hoping they'll be
strong enough. If so, I'll just need to put together some drivers so
the BS-2 can energize them, and a stepper motor or something to pull
the tape through. (If anyone can supply any details about how a
commercial tape punch works, I'd be very interested to know. No sense
reinventing the wheel...)
-Bill Richman (bill_r_at_inetnebr.com)
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Received on Fri Mar 08 2002 - 23:26:12 GMT