Here's a last-minute note to remind my fellow ZX81 enthusiasts that the 6th
annual ZX-TEAM meeting in Dietges, near Fulda, Germany, is to be held this
Admission is free. Accommodations are available at the meeting place for
about US $50 per person *for the whole weekend,* including bed and meals
(really, really good meals, too) from Friday night through Sunday morning.
Trust me, it's worth the trip just for the bockwurst and potato salad ;>)
(Sellam, why can't you get us a deal like this for VCF/VCF East???)
Contact Peter Liebert-Adelt at for reservations.
For those who can't attend but want to check out the meeting, the ZX-TEAM
Webcam and chat should be online from 2100 - 2300 GMT this Friday and
Saturday if the phone line at the meeting place is up to the task.
To check out last year's meeting, go to:
Keep on ZXin'!
Received on Wed Mar 13 2002 - 23:29:51 GMT