On Fri, 15 Mar 2002, James B. DiGriz wrote:
> > Look, I couldn't care less who falls for this scam. The way I see it, it
> > will just put money in the hands of people smarter than the ones losing
> > it, and that's a net positive effect.
> I wouldn't exactly call the sender a rocket scientist, what with begging
> for a easy felony conviction, but you're right, that's irrelevant.
They're in some third-world African nation where the government is most
likely in on the scam. I doubt their local authorities would do anything
less than laugh at anyone actually filing a complaint with them.
> You know, if it was for real, I really would be upset by it. The nerve
> of some grafting bureaucrat or despotic politician who probably sucked
> the life's blood out of their fellow countrymen whining about being
> deprived of their ill-gotten booty. I'd direct them to the nearest
> firing squad, not help them get their millions back.
I don't care if it's an advertisement for penis enlargment pills or some
woe-is-me scam story, it's still spam, and it DOESN'T BELONG HERE, and we
welcome it by keeping the list open to non-subscribers.
> I'm just telling you like it is. It's called outreach. There is gear in
> the hands of people who, say, come across the archives from links, who
> will have no interest whatsoever in subscribing, and we need to keep it
> as easy as possible for them to post, or stuff will get junked that
> shouldn't.
And I've offered many fine solutions, as have others (the one requiring
non-subscribers to confirm their posting is the best) but they've all been
I don't think Jay has enough time to manage the list anymore. I suggest
we find a new operator.
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
* Old computing resources for business and academia at www.VintageTech.com *
Received on Fri Mar 15 2002 - 05:14:50 GMT