On Tue, Mar 19, 2002 at 05:47:48PM -0500, Gunther Schadow wrote:
> Well, my main project with the VAX6000 is to eventually have
> XMI support for NetBSD.
Ask Ragge. Maybe he can give you some docs. There are already some VAX
6k bits in the source, but nothing usable.
> And playing with old 4.3BSD is sort
> of on the sidelines of getting this done.
Wasn't it Isildur who got 4.3BSD-Tahoe running on the MV4k705a?
Would be cool to have a patch to get it on a 6K too...
> Yes, when I have the money to spare. But I'm glad you are
> confident that these bits are preserved somewhere from the
> bitrot that has bitten the TUHS archive's version.
I did a full build of -Tahoe on my MV III last weekend with the source
from the CSRG CDROMs. (To replace that Quasi-BSD stuff, that I used to
bootstrap the machine...) Was not hard to do. But now I have to put the
CSRG patches from the PUPS archive into this, as plain -Tahoe does
support only the KA630 on the QBus side...
Homepage: http://www.unixag-kl.fh-kl.de/~jkunz/
Received on Wed Mar 20 2002 - 06:56:33 GMT