Northern California swap meets

From: Dave McGuire <>
Date: Wed Mar 27 14:08:49 2002

On March 27, Erik S. Klein wrote:
> I used to go to the Trenton swap meet in the early 1980s (I remember failing
> to buy a loaded Altair 8800 system w/ 2 8" drives, paper tape reader,
> terminal and other goodies all on a rolling rack because I couldn't figure
> out how to get it home) and enjoyed browsing the toys and discards.

  Ahh, TCF was wonderful before it turned into yet another "buy your new
Taiwanese PC here" show. I went to all of them from about 1982
through 1990, selling for all but one or two years. I had a great
time, every time!


Dave McGuire                    "'s leaving me this unpleasant,
St. Petersburg, FL                 damp feeling on my shorts..." -Sridhar
Received on Wed Mar 27 2002 - 14:08:49 GMT

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