"New" PDP-8

From: Ben Franchuk <bfranchuk_at_jetnet.ab.ca>
Date: Sat Mar 30 16:07:05 2002

Chuck Dickman wrote:
> > > Is wire-wrap still a common prototyping technique?
> Another technique that I have found useful is tack soldering wire-wrap
> wire to solder pads on pad per hole perfboard. The Kynar insulation is
> heat resistant and does not shrink or burn. I usually install solder
> tail sockets and then follow with point to point wiring. Multiple wires
> per pad require some care in soldering (the wire has spring and tends to
> pull away as the solder melts). Quite reliable and efficient for someone
> skilled with a soldering iron.

Well my soldering skills are not that fine.( The other reason I am doing
a PCB). It seems that most people today doing any kind of computer
projects ends up using a PIC or a stamp.A few brave souls use a FPGA (
like myself ) but never get past the prototype kit stage or want a
super-big FPGA with cpu,ram,rom,i/o all inside the cpu.

Ben Franchuk - Dawn * 12/24 bit cpu *
Received on Sat Mar 30 2002 - 16:07:05 GMT

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