--- Vintage Computer Festival <vcf_at_siconic.com> wrote:
> On Sun, 27 Apr 2003, steve wrote:
> > Since the other bidders have no practical way to
> > counter bid those bids entered during the last 5
> > seconds, ebay's auction model can accurately be
> called
> > a "sealed bid" auction format, with the highest
> bidder
> > paying the second highest bid. If you change
> ebay's
> You apparently haven't heard of the sniping services
> out there that can
> put in a bid reliably in the last 3-4 seconds.
Huh? You apparently haven't comprehended what I said,
it doesn't make a difference if you have a sniping
service that can realiably bid .0001 seconds before a
auction ends. If someone bids 5 seconds before a
auction that beats your previous bid price you have no
way to reenter a new bid before that 5 seconds it up,
ain't going to happen, and thats why ebay is a
"sealed bid" auction model.
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Received on Sun Apr 27 2003 - 22:48:00 BST