----- Original Message -----
From: "Jay West" <jwest_at_classiccmp.org>
To: <cctalk_at_classiccmp.org>
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 10:23 AM
Subject: PeeCee obtained 5000AT
> Recently obtained a *BLUSH* old PC. Normally wouldn't post about it here
> but... someone may be interested in a copy of the software on it.
> This thing is kind of a slimline desktop case, has a 3.5 floppy and 5.25
> floppy. It's a leading edge model 5000AT. I think it is a 286. But what
> might be interesting to some is, it comes with something called "windos" I
> believe, and is a leading edge specific "make the computer simple" GUI
> of. Basically just lets you point and click to call 123, easywriter, etc.
> thought someone might be interested in the software & gui files.
> God I feel dirty now *G*
Jay - don't fret - you can be purified! To accomplish this, before midnight
of the next full moon, set up the following items: 1) industrial or shop
vac, with accessories, 2) old printer with the "snuff box" or "ribbon
stacker" type of ribbon (ribbon MUST be present) Printronix 150 or equiv.,
and 3) an extension cord, plugged into power suitable for the vacuum.
Be ready to perform the ceremony at exactly midnight. If you want
confirmation that your transgression (trying - "Windos", ugh) are forgiven,
have the rite videotaped and I will follow up with delivery instructions.
Since your contamination is from "Windos", I will not charge you for this
purification, a $99.95 value, as seen on the "Nerd Needs Network"
The Ritual: Shortly before the second hand reaches the "12" mark (looks like
you will need a watch too), walk to the printer and:
Yes, Mr. Senior Engineer, I will clean the printer INSIDES NOW
Yes, Mr. Senior Engineer, I will clean the printer INSIDES NOW
Yes, Mr. Senior Engineer, I will clean the printer INSIDES NOW
Yes, Mr. Senior Engineer, I will clean the printer INSIDES NOW
<start the vacuum>
approach the printer, from over the top. Lift the top of the printer with
one hand, use the other to begin cleaning the printed circuit board - and
STAY AWAY from the printer cartridge
Yes, Mr. Senior Engineer, I have cleaned the printer INSIDES NOW
Yes, Mr. Senior Engineer, I have cleaned the printer INSIDES NOW
Yes, Mr. Senior Engineer, I have cleaned the printer INSIDES NOW
Yes, Mr. Senior Engineer, I have cleaned the printer INSIDES NOW
<you notice dust on the top of the box containing the ribbon
You hold the vacuum near there so as to best remove ALL the visible dirt
that the chief engineer might chew your backside about.>
<The powerful suction from the vacuum snatches the ribbon from its path
across the platen and into the vacuum cleaner hose. You stand there
dumbfounded, that THIS happened, and that it has been seen by OTHERS!>
<You back up a few steps, attempting to cause the ribbon to disassociate
itself from the vacuum, but to no avail. At this point, you turn to the most
senior elder and>
Yes, Mr. Senior Engineer, I have removed the printer ribbon NOW
Yes, Mr. Senior Engineer, I have removed the printer ribbon NOW
Yes, Mr. Senior Engineer, I have removed the printer ribbon NOW
Yes, Mr. Senior Engineer, I have removed the printer ribbon NOW
-- you want it changed now?
<you are cleansed>
PS. Please note that these rites can only be performed with equipment more
than 20 years old. Props, such as the vacuum, and extension card can be new.
Stuart Johnson
Received on Tue Feb 04 2003 - 14:56:01 GMT