scanning microfiche

From: <(>
Date: Wed Feb 5 23:30:00 2003

Brian Knittel and I have a few hundred fiche of IBM documentation and code
relating to the 1130 ( This is tens of thousands of
pages that we'd love to get into a digital form -- in particular we want
to get a few fiche done FAST because Brian borrowed them from someone else
who won an interesting set at auction recently. My attempts to scan them
with an Epson 2450 Photo have been unsatisfactory, apparently mostly
because of slight focus issues that only become apparent at the highest
resolutions, and I've started to believe that we need to use a real
microfiche scanner to do the job. Unfortunately they're way expensive,
and I can't think of buying one ... and service bureaus charge by the
page, about $.10 per page to be exact. We need a cheaper option.

So ... does anyone know of a fiche scanner that occasionally sits unused,
that we could use? Or, does anyone have any better ideas?


Norm Aleks
Received on Wed Feb 05 2003 - 23:30:00 GMT

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