> It would appear the first 8 or so cards are required to be in
> certain slots. Cpu set basically. If I don't have FPP or CIS
> stuff, those slots get left blank? Do any grant or jumper
> type cards need to be there if FPP and CIS cards aren't
> present? Do you need to change jumpers/switches on the other
> cards that make up the cpu if there is no FPP or CIS?
I've never touched an 11/44 myself, but there are a bunch
of technical manuals over at:
There's also Henk's printsets available from:
> Also, from what I recall of the Qbus stuff I have, the
> various peripheral cards need to be set for where they appear
> in memory, the address of the card, correct? So.. need to
> find docs on the 8 port mux and the RL01/02 controller.
Docs for the RL01/RL02 are at both the above sites. Typically
for Qbus the settings required for each card are determined
by exactly what else you have in there. The procedure is
essentially the same for UNIBUS (IIRC) and the RL02 manuals
(amongst many others) should have the gory details.
> Second:
> Looking at the TU-58 drive, the rubber rollers in each drive
> appear to be highly questionable - pretty gummy. What's the
> best way to fix those rubber rollers? I was thinking of
> cleaning off the rubber, and maybe getting a vacuum cleaner
> belt and building a new surface by cutting it to size and
> wrapping it around the metal cylinder. Just how touchy is the
> parameter for the diameter of that wheel if I'm off, making
> it slightly thinner or thicker? Is there a better way?
Somewhere there's an article by someone describing exactly what
they used to fix there TU58 (basically snip a bit off the end of
an approximately correctly sized tube). I cannot find it right
now but I almost certainly read of it here, so the archives
may be a good place to start!
Antonio Carlini arcarlini_at_iee.org
Received on Mon Feb 10 2003 - 13:24:00 GMT