OT: Re: Going OT Re: (no subject)

From: Hans Franke <Hans.Franke_at_mch20.sbs.de>
Date: Tue Feb 18 04:20:01 2003

> > They are more to do with locking down the country so no more terrorist
> > attacks can occur. The problem is when the country gets that locked down
> > the freedoms we cherish disappear. When we lose all our freedoms, what
> > do we have worth keeping?
> If we lock down our country and hold everyone suspect, did not The
> Terrorists win?

Nope, the control freaks win!

> > As for ignoring illegal immigration from Mexico, I find that extremely
> > hypocritical. We want to tighten the borders so we are protected from
> > terrorism, but we'll leave that huge sieve between Mexico and the US
> > completely open?

> Who, then, will pick your lettuce? I mean no disrespect whatsoever to
> Mexican folks who brave through torrid deserts to make their way to
> California so they can spend 8+ hours a day stooped over in the hot
> sun picking vegetables so that you can have a salad on your table. I am
> quite serious. What white person, in this day and age, would ever take a
> job picking lettuce for minimum wage?

Hmm, what about Polish workers? No, serious, over here, there are
no Mexicans, nor orther unhealthy ceap workers, and the lettuce
gets still picked. Well, large farms use robots. And hasn't it
be you, Sallam, who noticed that prices are quite low? So the
old argument that the ceap workers are to give you low produce
prices is a myth. All it does is making somebody inbetween rich.

It isn't that simple either way.


VCF Europa 4.0 am 03./04. Mai 2003 in Muenchen
Received on Tue Feb 18 2003 - 04:20:01 GMT

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