> Well I think the name Shrub, meaning "little bush", is
> pretty generous considering what most people around
> the world are calling him.
Without going into all this Hitler comparsions, I think
some Americans still overestimate what the world thinks
about Herrn Busch. At least over here, he is already no
longer considered a relevant person or force. Of course
it's not all his own work, he had in Rumsfeld an unusual
profient helper (*1).
The real problem will arise when this impression may get
to become permanent _and_ extended to the US at all. If
a big mouth or a schoolbully gets ignored at the school
yard, that is maybe unusual, but may wield a positive
result. If the libero (ok, quaterback for all who use
an odd shaped ball for football) gets ignored by the
team winning is no longer possible.
(*1) There are quite a lot of serious people who wellcome
a reduction of american troops over here. It's just sucking
up German tax money without any return.
VCF Europa 4.0 am 03./04. Mai 2003 in Muenchen
Received on Tue Feb 18 2003 - 03:46:01 GMT