Lawrence Walker sez...
> I sat on this a bit gritting my teeth but I can't let it pass.
> I was involved with this individual in setting up Toronto
> Computer Collectors Club and he agreed to take part by
> doing the site coding and putting the site in his name with
> some contributions from others including myself, who
> expended considerable effort in getting it going.
> He then used the site to gobble up any computer
> contributions in the name of TC3. He likely has the
> largest collections of Hyperion artifacts in NA due
> to the gullibility of well-meaning contributers of collections
> to TC3. One of whom mentioned it would take a couple
> of carloads for equipment and documentation.
> Following the diclosure of this, TC3, which I had played
> the main role of organising in order to have a center for
> local Toronto computer collectors to get together broke
> up.
> I would advise collectors to stay clear of this guy since
> based on my experience he would only use your
> enthusiasm for classic computers to his own advantage.
Much as I appreciate the head's up, I don't see how this is
the state of affairs today. I listed my interests on his
website. It has *my* email address. How can he "gobble up"
contributions going to me???
> Lawrence
> On 23 Feb 2003, , Brian Mahoney wrote:
> > Several years ago I set up a list of collectors on the TC3
> > site, which some of you may remember. Subsequent to that
> > site being shut down by its host, I moved the list to my
> > personal site at the following url:
> >
> >
> >
> > The collector's list is reached from a link on the main page
> > and resides at this url :
> >
> >
> > rs.htm
> >
> > The reason for this message is to request that anyone who is
> > on this list, contact me HERE :
> >
> >
> >
> > to update their information. I have recently sent out an
> > email to all person on the list, but find that almost
> > everyone has moved ... email address anyway. If anyone
> > reading this wishes to be put on the list, I would be glad
> > to add their name and information, just be sure to format it
> > the same way it is on the list.
> >
> > (None of this benefits me in any way, if anyone is
> > wondering. However, since I receive email almost every day
> > originating from my site, it is a constant source of
> > information and resources for me. When someone has a
> > computer for sale or donation, they frequently email me and
> > I refer them back to the site to see if there is a collector
> > near them. Most, of course, are from the states and many,
> > many of the requests are for good homes for donated
> > computers.)
> >
> > PLEASE don't contact me through the list, use
> > only. I will repost this a
> > couple more times, unless someone really finds it useless.
> lgwalker_at_
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Received on Wed Feb 26 2003 - 20:20:00 GMT