Moving a VAX 6000

From: Gunther Schadow <>
Date: Thu Feb 27 11:49:00 2003

Hi Jeffrey, congratulations to your not so new anymore VAX 6000
and welcome to the club. Is it running yet? What do you run it
with (like what OS?).

I have a never ending stream of VAX6000s so it seems. Have one
6610 in my garage now, but it doesn't want to start up quite so
nicely. Think someone took out the master CPU to sell it on epay
before I took it home. I know, can probably just connect the
console an hit the magic Z button to get the other CPU to start
up... may be its worse.

Anyway, there's yet another 6000 waiting for me to take home.
I am pressed on space though. I will probably part out most of
those that I have in excess, except if someone wants to come to
Indianapolis to get some. I really want to trade against a
VAX 4000 300 or higher sidetable VAX.


Gunther Schadow, M.D., Ph.D.          
Medical Information Scientist      Regenstrief Institute for Health Care
Adjunct Assistant Professor        Indiana University School of Medicine
Received on Thu Feb 27 2003 - 11:49:00 GMT

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