Forget mice -- get a good, large track ball. I use an 2.25" Atari arcade
trackball that I put in a custom cardboard and foamcore case, with two
arcade button switches. I got it from Happ Controls
( Current price with USB or PS2 interface is
$145. When I got mine (almost 15 years ago, so it is on-topic), it did not
come with a PC interface, so I cannibalized a cheap serial mouse and made an
interface. I think I still have plans I made up for that. I have had to
clean and lube it only once in >10 years. I have it hooked to an IBM T20
laptop -- in its box, it's nearly as big as the laptop!
-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Richman []
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 8:28 AM
Subject: OT: Large, multi-button mouse recommendations?
I've been doing a lot of finicky CAD work recently, and my hand is really
starting to hurt from gripping the mouse tightly for fine control. I'm
looking for a larger mouse (according to one site that sells various sizes
of mouse, I'm between a "large" and an "x-large" hand size) that I can lay
my hand more or less flat on top of (maybe with a couple of finger loops,
so you don't have to grasp it constantly) and ideally with a small
multi-button keypad of some kind on top. Is there such an animal out
there (aside from the Space Mouse guys' $500 products) that might have
these features? Suggestions welcome.
Received on Fri Feb 28 2003 - 13:55:00 GMT