Anyone have any experience replacing a Dallas 1287 with a 12887?

From: Ethan Dicks <>
Date: Wed Jan 1 11:48:00 2003

--- Lawrence Walker <> wrote:
> A while back I had problems accessing a Grid 1520-286
> because of a password. If I remember correctly it was a
> DS1287A. The A signified it as resettable and grounding
> 2 pins cleared the memory.

I've seen that detail on the web pages.

> Your problem would seem to
> stem more from the BIOS settings and it is going to the
> default setting and since the Dallis chip is dead nothing
> is retained.


> ISTR that the 12887 is a drop-in replacement.
> If you want to call soldering all those pins "drop-in"

I do. Soldering is not offputting to me.
> Dallas has a bunch of info on the chip. I don't have the
> URL handy.

I have those data sheets. I was curious to learn from others
> Considering all the problems and low used prices
> involved. You might consider getting an old Grid 1520
> which also has the advantage of an additional EPROM
> slot which can contain info configuring various aspects of
> the computer, including a system boot.

I wouldn't mind a Grid, but unless it has an ISA slot, preferably two,
it won't work for my application - I need an Ethernet interface for
getting EPROM and PLD data in and out, and the programmer interface.

The Compaq 286/SLT has two ISA slots in the docking station. I already
have the machine here, and I have a DS12887 coming as a free sample.

I appreciate the suggestion, but until I completely run this machine
to the ground, I would like to continue to explore using it.



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Received on Wed Jan 01 2003 - 11:48:00 GMT

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