> So now the question is... what hard drive was there for use with either
> the 5110 or the System/23? I don't know which system my backup floppies
> go to, but they are the only two systems that I ever had 8 inch floppies
> for, so it must be one of them. (and then the bigger question is... where
> did my hard drive go?!? It isn't like it can get up and run away... and
> I'm assuming it is large enough that it can't really be hidden in a
> corner anywhere... although I did overlook a System/23 datamaster for a
> number of years, so anything is possible)
> -chris
> <http://www.mythtech.net>
The hard drive for the System 23 was the IBM 5247. I have one (in the garage)
it's a large cabinet-style drive that weighs about 120 lbs., and I have never
seen another (although I'm sure Sellam has one in storage). It came in two
varieties, as I recall, 17 or 33 MB. There was no hard drive option for the
5110 (or for that matter the 5100 or 5120).
Received on Tue Jan 07 2003 - 00:23:00 GMT