ADMIN: What if ClassicCmp were a blog?

From: Cameron Kaiser <>
Date: Wed Jan 15 20:47:01 2003

> - Posting and reading of messages would be doable from a web browser. An
> email interface could be developed, but it wouldn't be the primary
> method of participation.

That immediately makes it undesirable from my perspective. I hate having to
log into web sites to post when I could have just sent E-mail (likewise, I
hate having to log in to read posts when they could be mailed to me).

If both can be supported, fine, but I strongly prefer E-mail.

----------------------------- personal page: --
 Cameron Kaiser, Point Loma Nazarene University *
-- Magic Eight Ball vs. Microsoft: "Outlook not so good" ----------------------
Received on Wed Jan 15 2003 - 20:47:01 GMT

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