On Wednesday, January 15, 2003, Cameron Kaiser wrote:
> I hate having to log into web sites to post when I could have just sent
> E-mail (likewise, I hate having to log in to read posts when they could be
> mailed to me).
That could be solved by saving a cookie on your machine (if you so choose).
The next time you logged in, the cookie would get read and you'd be
automagically logged in. It isn't all that secure, but it is harder to spoof
than email.
> If both can be supported, fine, but I strongly prefer E-mail.
Would you tolerate putting a special 8-character authentication code
(automatically removed before delivery) into every ClassicCmp post to prove
that you were you?
One of the things that prompted me to think about all this was the inherent
spoofability of email. I feel a desire to find a way around it.
Jeffrey Sharp
Received on Wed Jan 15 2003 - 22:44:45 GMT