Update: BBC Acorn

From: pete_at_dunnington.u-net.com <(pete_at_dunnington.u-net.com)>
Date: Fri Jan 17 15:00:57 2003

On Jan 17, 17:26, Philip Pemberton wrote:
> pete_at_dunnington.u-net.com wrote:
> > I finally remembered to check mine. It's 23-ANC13-1000034. All Acorn
> > retail product serial numbers of the era are of that form. The 25
> > tells where it was made, ANC13 is the product code, the rest is a
> > serial number, which always starts at 1000000 for production systems
> > or factory prototypes. So my Archimedes 310 is 27-AKB10-1000002, my
> > 440 is 27-AKB20-1000614, and my A3000 is 27-AKB01-1000028.
> Now that's interesting. My Master 128 carries the serial number
> 01-AMB15-0053025. Which means I've either got the -946975th machine to be
> made by Acorn, their labelling kit malfunctioned, or my M128 is the
> Master 128 to leave Acorn's factory. Ah, well. At least it hasn't got the
> serial number 13...

I wrote "of the era". Your Master predates ARM systems by a few years. My
oldest Beeb is 0000672. And will the ***** who borrowed it please return
it, if you're reading this?

Pete						Peter Turnbull
						Network Manager
						University of York
Received on Fri Jan 17 2003 - 15:00:57 GMT

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