Bill Bradford wrote:
> Anybody want two RL02s (by the way, how the hell do I get the top covers
> open? The "switch" on the top wont budge), and two RL01s?
If the RL02s are like the RL01, there's a little metal panel on the
side, near the "switch". Unscrew that, and you should see the solenoid
interlock mechanism. Fiddle with that, and the "switch" should open
the top cover.
You'll need to lock the heads down if you're going to ship the drives.
There's a little metal flap below the head carriage, visible with the
top cover open and no pack in the drive. A single screw holds it in the
"open" position. Loosen the screw, turn the flap 90 degrees, then
tighten the screw. The flap is now in front of the head carriage,
preventing it from moving.
> Pickup in Austin, Texas..
I know someone here in Bristol who'd take the RL02s, if they weren't
so far away.
John Honniball
Received on Sat Jan 18 2003 - 16:14:00 GMT