Free Computers in St. Louis: PCjr, Apple IIGS and more

From: Nick Miller <>
Date: Thu Mar 6 22:22:28 2003

I've finally come to realization that I do not need 2 (or more) of every
computer I can latch on to. I have a complete IBM PCjr system with monitor
and keyboard and several Apple IIGS systems all with keyboard, monitor and
floppy drive. I also have some CoCo 2's, TI-99/4A's, some ugly Amiga 1000's
and some C-64's. I realize these are aren't the rarest of computers but they
are still fun to tinker with and the price is right. These are free for
pickup only, I will not ship them. If you're passing through the St. Louis
area on I-70 in St. Charles drop me a line and we can arrange a meeting. If
you are able to stop by and feel like geeking out I have 300ish computers in
the basement including an Atari 1400XL with 1090XL box, Altair 8800, IMSAI
8080, PET 2001 and others that you might like to check out.

Received on Thu Mar 06 2003 - 22:22:28 GMT

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