Jupiter Ace

From: Philip Pemberton <philpem_at_dsl.pipex.com>
Date: Thu Mar 20 14:30:00 2003

Witchy wrote:
> That speaker looks very speccy-like to me; I'd forgotten it was that
> small!
Yeah, it's a 220 ohm squeeker. And I need to find a replacement... As if I
don't have enough to do, what with the hole re-drilling and the track

> Anyway, here y'go. ~540k images:
> http://www.binarydinosaurs.co.uk/ace-front.jpg
> http://www.binarydinosaurs.co.uk/ace-back.jpg
Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou :-)
Now I know where some of the buggered tracks go, the others are obvious.
What interests me is the date on the left-hand side of the keyboard. Is that
an assembly date of some sort? Hmm... Mine's got one too, but the isopropyl
rinse has lightened the ink a bit.

Anyway, thanks a lot Witchy. I guess I'll have to keep my eyes open for a
knackered speccy. Or I could ask in comp.sys.sinclair, but I'm not that mad

Received on Thu Mar 20 2003 - 14:30:00 GMT

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