> -----Original Message-----
> From: cctech-admin_at_classiccmp.org [mailto:cctech-admin_at_classiccmp.org]On
> Behalf Of David Woyciesjes
> Sent: 20 March 2003 20:12
> To: cctalk_at_classiccmp.org
> Cc: cctech_at_classiccmp.org
> Subject: Re: Industrial VAX 630 info wanted...
> This box was
> shipped solely for the purpose of testing specialty keyboard/mouse
> hardware.
Ah, so is there a possibility it was used for testing of DECstation and
VAXstation hardware?
> Well, I do have in my parts bin, 2 cables that look like they might
> work. Both have 3 BNC (RGB) connectors for video, but one has a box on
> it, with PS/2 style mouse & keyboard; while the other has only the RJ-?
> style DEC keyboard connector.
The early Alphas (as has been discussed here) had a similar cable, complete
with a mylar (?) strip that sat underneath the monitor to keep the
keyboard/mouse box in one place.
> I have the monitor from my DEC 3000/400 (3 BNC connectors) and a DEC
> VRT17-HA (5 BNC) currently displaying green mono from my VAXStation
> 3100.
> Would I be safe trying one of those cable/monitor
> combinations on the VAX?
Personally I wouldn't until I dismantled the VAX to see where the bulkhead
connector went. From its form factor it was obviously designed for a MVII,
so given that thinking it could've been part of an MVII GPX and therefore
would definitely be for a KVM cable; I'd wait until someone gives a definite
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Received on Sat Mar 22 2003 - 07:21:57 GMT