>Does anyone know if this IIe card is faster than the original IIe? It
>looks like a fun toy to play with. :-)
I can't say for sure, but I don't think it is.
>On a related note (hopefully not too far OT), does anyone have a Mac
>OS 8.5 system/install CD, that will work with a non-G3 PowerPC
>(e.g. 7200/90), that they can clone for me?
Send me your address (offlist) and I'm sure you'll get something in the
mail in a few days :-)
>One more question for the Apple gurus on this list: will a monitor
>used with an LC work with a IIgs?
According to Apple... No. They specify that the IIgs RGB monitor is not
compatible with the RGB in the Mac, so I infer that to mean the opposite
to be true as well. I think the reason for it is the IIgs uses Analog
RGB, while the Mac I believe uses Digital RGB.
However, if your monitor happens to support Analog RGB, then you should
be ok.
There is of course a composite video port on the IIgs so you can connect
to anything that supports composite video (TV or Apple II series monitor,
or whatever).
Received on Sun Mar 23 2003 - 09:59:00 GMT