Help! need 400k/800k Mac os 6 or 7 diskettes!

From: Eric Smith <>
Date: Thu Oct 9 14:43:06 2003

"Eric J. Korpela" <>
> Do older external 400k drives work with System 8? I find it hard to
> swing a dead cat without hitting a pile of external Mac (or Apple II)
> disk drives.

Apple 400K external drives will not work with any Macs that have a newer
processor than a 68000. They work on the original (128K) Mac, the
512K and 512Ke, the Plus, SE, and maybe the Classic.

The drive requires a PWM motor control signal that later Macs do not

The 800K and Superdrive (FDHD) do not need this signal.

Received on Thu Oct 09 2003 - 14:43:06 BST

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