cctalk Digest, Vol 2, Issue 21

From: Robert J. Stevens <>
Date: Sun Oct 12 10:09:03 2003

Message: 8
Date: Sat, 11 Oct 2003 12:03:37 -0400
From: Joe <>
Subject: WTB: Pro-Log programmer parts
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Hi all,
   I picked up a couple of Pro-Log M900, M920 and M980 programmers lately. I want to burn some BiPolar PROMs and I need a Pro-Log PM 9048 "Intel Generic" personality module. It will look something like this
<>. I'm also looking for other Pro-Log parts and I have parts to trade so if you have anything that you're willing to part with send me a list. Here's more pictures on my Pro-Log stuff. No text or descriptions yet, just pictures.
Joe, Et Al;
I have a Pro-Log M980 with a PM9080 Personality Module and two PA28-80B's and a PA40-80a also have the M304 RS232 Commnication Adaptor and a board marked "PROM PRGM SOCKET" with a 16 pin and a 24 Pin zip socket that plugs into an interfacecard [has two sets of 28 pin PIN's on back] but I dont have a board to plug it into. I need to find a GENERIC Module or a PM9059 for Intersil 82s123's.
I hope someone out there can help.
Bob in Wisconsin
Received on Sun Oct 12 2003 - 10:09:03 BST

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