OCR'ing old manuals

From: Gene Buckle <geneb_at_deltasoft.com>
Date: Fri Sep 12 12:05:13 2003

> >Pete kindly loaned me a whole pile of documentation, and I can get it back to
> >him far quicker if I can just scan all the pages as TIFF images for now and
> >worry about passing it through OCR software at a later date!
> >
> >It would also be nice if said software was a) free :) and b) able to
> >automatically recurse through a directory tree (or at least run from the
> >command line without user input so that I can script that)
> >
> >
> Distributed Proofers seems to prefer Abbey Finereader, but it also costs
> money. It apparently does very well with images that others choke on.
It's actually called Abbyy Finereader. It's amazingly good at what it
does, but it does cost.

Received on Fri Sep 12 2003 - 12:05:13 BST

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