Where is a good resource to find out saleable values of classic computer
hardware? I know eBay isn't really all that great because it isn't
consistent enough. What goes for $5 today may go for $500 tomorrow, and
then not sell at all the next day.
Like many others, I'm painfully short on money right now, and I've just
lost my storage area, so I can't hang on to things much longer. So I'm
trying to find out what is worth what, so I know what to try to sell,
versus give away, versus throw away (I'm already making the tough
decision on what to keep, but that's not really based on monetary value
so much as personal value to me).
Is there a good place to check for the value of some of this stuff? And
not just the value in terms of what its worth IF you can find a buyer...
but also value in terms of will it sell at all? (It doesn't do me much
good if something is "worth" $100, but no one really wants to buy it
right now).
Received on Mon Sep 15 2003 - 11:09:00 BST