collection organising

From: Ed Sharpe <>
Date: Thu Sep 18 19:48:00 2003

beware of how certain types of plastic react with the case of computers...
I have seen things stored in hot areas and the plastic on the cords sortta
reacts and eats a grove in the plastic computer case.....


Ed Sharpe Archivist for SMECC

See the Southwest Museum of Engineering, Communications and Computation
online at:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Ford" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 1:51 AM
Subject: Re: collection organising

> One big problem with organizing your collection is that it is too easy to
> tell when you have way too many of some item and should really stop
> more. For example when everything is scattered around the house, garage,
> and storage, one can never have too many Apple logo power cords, but once
> you start putting them in a box and it fills up the fun kind of goes out
> it. Also with a tidy collection you never get the thrill of finding some
> item again while moving stuff around.
> OTOH if the working portion, not just the functional stuff, but the stuff
> you need to play with your toys, isn't where you can find it, playtime is
> reduced, plus a lot of wandering around to find stuff and you look senile.
> Two tips
> Forget rubber bands, they don't last the sort of time we tend to let
> sit on the shelf, plus twist ties are generally free excepting the labor
> plucking them apart.
> Clear storage, bins or ziplock bags, and you can be lazy and never label
> anything.
Received on Thu Sep 18 2003 - 19:48:00 BST

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