9 track reel tapes

From: Eric Smith <eric_at_brouhaha.com>
Date: Mon Sep 29 14:50:12 2003

"chris" <cb_at_mythtech.net> wrote:
> A while ago, I sold or gave away (don't remember) a whole bunch of the
> write protect rings for them. So I'm wondering, do those rings stop you
> from writing, or enable you to write when installed?

The presence of the ring enables writing.

> Also, are these safe to bulk erase with an electromagnet?


> And finally, are all 9 track tapes the same?

The tapes and reels normally are. IBM did have some special reels
or cartridges for early autoload equipment, but those are very

The main regard in which the tapes vary is quality. Some of the
tapes shed oxide. Memorex tapes are particularly bad about this.
3M Blackwatch was generally considered to be about the best, IIRC.
Received on Mon Sep 29 2003 - 14:50:12 BST

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