RX50 Dis/assembly..

From: Tony Duell <ard_at_p850ug1.demon.co.uk>
Date: Mon Aug 2 17:14:43 2004

> Yeah. I got it back together. Tony saves the day (again!) with his
> incredibility detailed electronic roadmap (doesn't get any better than
> pin 1 to gnd!) :-)

Glad I could be of help..

One day I'll get a scanner, or a digital camera [1], or something and be
able to e-mail diagrams too. But until then you'll have to put up with
good old text....

[1] I will consider getting such a device when they offer superior
quality to my existing film cameras. Which include 5*4" sheet film units.
Oh yes, and I expect spares to be avaialable for as long as they're
available for my existing cameras too (the only parts I've needed for
said 5*4's are new bellows, and I can get those easily...)

Received on Mon Aug 02 2004 - 17:14:43 BST

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