Gaps in the collection (was Re: rarest computers. )

From: Tom Jennings <>
Date: Sun Aug 8 14:41:26 2004

On Wed, 2004-08-04 at 21:58, David V. Corbin wrote:

> 2) At the original post of 300 Baud [30 or 27.2 cps] the mechanisim WOULD
> fly apear, but make a cool animated video!

<wetBlanket>Actually, it would run as it normally would, decoding poorly
sampled bits and printing garbage -- at whatever speed it was geared

> Wondering what a TTY [really 110 baud] would look like if the video was sped
> up to run at a "modern" speed...

Actually, slowing it down so you could see the data decode off the
rotary-UART-thingie, translate across the front of the machine and
position the typebox would be fun to see...

> Wondering if I have had just WAY too much cafine and need to go
> crash....

!! Is there such a thing as too much caffeine?! (aka programming fluid)
Received on Sun Aug 08 2004 - 14:41:26 BST

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